New Year's: Resolutions or Respite?

Feeling guilty about a lack of resolve when the clock struck 12? Perhaps you were tired, uninspired, or just not as wired this holiday season. It's not just you. Humanity is moving into an era in which frivolous façades are being stripped away, and we are just no longer as capable of giving our energy to that which feels inauthentic or out of alignment...

This brings up the next key - alignment with the current cycle. Traditionally, winter is a time of going inward. As a Yin or feminine season, we may be less inclined to "do" and more inclined to be. This season of Mama Earth is not a time of seed sprouting. It is a time of tending to the barren lands that have just been harvested.

According to ancient traditions and the cycles of nature (and us as natural beings), the true New Year and best time for new beginnings is actually during the Spring Equinox in late March (more to come on that later).

Now, just after the winter solstice, days are shorter, giving us less time to accomplish tasks before the chill of nightfall beckons us to surrender to the coziness of home, loved ones, nourishing food and drink, and the comforting wisdom of our own inner selves.

Because it is a time of stillness, winter is when you can turn your gaze inward without guilt, surrendering to this cycle of self-care and tending to your own needs.

Feeling called to support yourself more deeply at this time?

We're here for you! 💜


Solar Eclipse in Aries: Powerful Endings & Beginnings


My Spiritual Journey