“drive-thru” reiki

Faster Isn’t Always Better!

Today, we’re going to get into a silent subject that is seldom discussed and stays in the spiritual “shush” bucket. That subject? “Fast food” spiritual training…

Fast food, junk food, drive thru - it's quick, easy, and…impersonal. Sure, just like a quick meal, you can attain a fast, cheap Reiki certificate, but how nourishing and healthy could that really be? It is now common practice for the road to becoming a “Reiki Master” to be spread over the duration of 1-2 weekends, with Reiki Levels 1 and 2 each given one day and the “Master” training on a following day or weekend. Eager students take the bait, ready to jump in and forge ahead, unaware and unconscious of the consequences and implications. 

But honestly, can you imagine becoming a “Master” of anything in just 4 days? Sure, you may learn a few recipes. You may even practice some techniques. But, without allowing sufficient time for integration and the anchoring in of these potent energies, it becomes a “quick bite” of processed food instead of the soulful, wholesome nourishment that this powerful medicine is intended to be.  The reality is that the selection of a Reiki class (and therefore a Reiki Master, or teacher) is not a decision that should be taken lightly. 

Here are three reasons why you should carefully choose a Reiki class:

  1. Mentorship   You should feel confident in the person you choose to teach you because they become your permanent mentor and primary resource in a modality you may practice for many years to come. A Reiki Master is the leader of a community - the community they have created through their initiates. Will your Reiki Master remember you? Not just your name, but you. Will you feel comfortable relying on that person for an entire lifetime? And honestly, will that person truly honor the sacred nature of the bond established between you? Or will you be one of many, cranked out quickly, solely for material or personal gain? Will you feel at ease reaching out to them with your questions and concerns long after the training, if need be? Will you have the opportunity to establish a supportive connection both with them and your peers? 

  2. Community This leads to the second point - the importance of community. When you are attuned in Reiki, this is a type of initiation. Those with whom you are attuned become a part of your community. A solid connection with your peers is an important component to a foundation of support. Even with the best intentions, it can be challenging to establish and maintain meaningful connections over the course of just a few days. A rushed attunement process can ultimately leave new Reiki initiates feeling alone and untethered. This can lead to a lack of confidence both in practicing the beautiful art of Reiki and in reaching out to others to help ground into and truly cultivate expertise through shared experience of the new energies.

  3. Lineage It is important to realize that Reiki is a lineage, meaning you are forever connected to the person who attunes you, and the person who attuned them, and so on - spiritually, energetically, and even physically. When you become attuned in Reiki, you are inducted into a sacred healing rite that has been passed down through generations of healers. A lineage that is expanded quickly and haphazardly may lack the discernment, respect, and honor that such a beautiful and powerful rite deserves. Moreover, each Reiki lineage, though descended from the same ancestor, has its own unique flavor. Are you choosing the lineage that is best aligned with you, or the one that you think will get you to your destination the fastest and easiest? Sometimes, the path we think will be the quickest ends up being the most cumbersome and the path we think will be the cheapest ends up being the most costly… just ask anyone who's ever booked a flight on Spirit airlines! 

The truth is, Reiki is an honor and a blessing for both the givers and the receivers. The more people who are attuned, the better for the entire population as there are more to serve and to help heal the collective.

However, there is a fine line between quantity and quality.  

Which will you choose for your journey?


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