Back to the Future…

…Moving Backward to Leap Forward

We hear “portals” mentioned often these days.  But exactly what does that mean? Are black holes opening up on your local street corner? Are people being beamed up by friendly alien bystanders waiting to teleport them into a new life? Is it just another over-used catchphrase, or is there really something more to it?

Yes, portals are real, but not in the sci-fi sense of the word (at least not for our purposes today).  A portal is an opening where you can step through into a brand new timeline.  

There are 2 main types of portals:

  1. Potential (or collective):  This occurs when outside energies (like planetary transits) exert their influence and create gateways of opportunity to shift into a different reality.  Depending on how the astrological energies affect you personally, you may feel potential doorways opening up for you, or, you may feel nothing at all.  These are potential  portals because although the energy shift provides the opportunity, you still must take tangible action steps to fulfill the actualization of the shift.

  2. Personal:  A personal portal opens up when you make a decision to do something different in your life. The portal actually opens up from the time you make the decision within yourself, prior to taking any action.  If you do not act on it, the portal will close.  However, when you act on it, you begin to step through a portal into a brand new timeline.  Think about it - how many times have you made major choices that completely changed the course of your life, permanently? A personal portal is typically a big decision that both terrifies and inextricably excites you.

The big difference between the two - one door opens up for you, and the other door - you push open.  It’s the difference between waiting for something to happen and taking steps to make sh*t happen.  In both instances, you have to take the steps.  You have to walk through to the other side.  That’s the only way to get into the new reality you crave.

Now, I’m no stranger to portals.  Three planets in Scorpio means that transformation is always on the menu, whether I go willingly or kicking and screaming…

But these past three years has contained a sh*t ton of them…each better than the last, each scarier than the last, and each moving me closer to my true identity, mission, and soul aligned purpose.

But this last one? Oh man, I did not see it coming at all.

Making myself step through it scared the @#$% out of me…but it has been so worth it.

So wtf happened?

Ok…get comfortable…it’s story time…. 🍵

At the end of April, I was on a monthly group call with one of my amazing mentors, who announced an upcoming retreat in June.  The focus of the retreat wasn’t even mentioned, but immediately, my soul was on fire, lit up with YOU HAVE TO GO.  I’ve been on a radical mission to trust my gut.  So, I booked a call to learn more about it.  I sent a message asking what the theme of the retreat even was, and was surprised to learn that the topic was ancestral healing.  Okaaay, universe…  I’d rather go to an abundance retreat if we’re being real, haha, but if this is what you want me to do…

A few days later, I got on the call, and my entire essence was screaming YOU HAVE TO GO.  Okay.  Roger that.  I didn’t even need to hear the run down, because I already knew it was meant for me to go.  

And then, the terror set in…when the price was revealed.  OMG, I thought.  I already am almost at capacity here..but this. Is. a. LOT.  WTF universe!

Suffice to say, it definitely pulled a beam-me-up-Scotty.. right on out of my comfort zone…

And then it got even better.  My intuition insisted that I not only register for this insanely expensive retreat, but that I sign up for the VIP package.  


When I tell you that I paid more for this retreat than I have paid for anything in my life besides my house and car…it is not an exaggeration.

As I sat on the call, I even got angry at Spirit.  Because as much as my entire being was screaming that I had to go….did it have to be THIS? Did it have to feel this uncomfortable? This scary? This…unsafe??? Dammit, Spirit! Whyyyy?!!!?

But, the message was loud and clear - f*ck all that, you have to go.

So, I signed up.  I know, I know.  Call me crazy.  Illogical.  Insane.  Irresponsible.  But, I prefer… Brave.  Intuitive.  Trusting.  Knowing.

And, lo and behold, from the moment my soul said yes, a portal opened up.

Within a couple of weeks after the call, before the retreat even took place, came an opportunity for me to take a trip back to my familial homeland, Puerto Rico.  It had been over 20 years since I had stepped foot on my isla.

Visiting the beautiful island had been nowhere on my radar before I opened this powerful portal by saying yes to the ancestral healing retreat.  But now, here I was being summoned, seemingly by my ancestors themselves.  Mind. Blown.  

About a week later, I went to the retreat.  It was absolutely amazing and I have zero regrets.  I listened to my intuition, leaned out of my fears and into my wisdom and did the damn thang. I bravely & radically chose me. And the Universe rewarded me in kind.  

It was an incredibly beautiful and healing experience on multiple levels.  Set atop a mountain in an exclusive compound, surrounded by a very small group of soul tribe whose frequency matched my own, and allowing myself to be held, nurtured, and supported by healers who were there just for us and worth their weight in gold.  And that’s not even talking about the Plant Medicine, but I’ll save that story for another day! 😉

While some very deeply rooted (haha) fears surfaced, I was supported through the entire process.  What may have taken me months to process on my own was metabolized literally overnight in this powerful space of healing carved out for and catered to me.  And after the retreat, despite (or maybe because of) all the intense revelations brought to the surface…I felt more clear, more light, more sure, and more confident than I ever have.  Clarity replaced confusion.  Determination replaced doubt. And I’ve continued to feel that way since then.

Two weeks later, I was on a flight to Puerto Rico.  Here, I experienced even deeper healing, clearing, and cleansing.  Spirit revealed to me new aspects of my mission and my path became as clear as the street in front of my house.

Incredibly, I experienced a new timeline unfolding right before my eyes, starring a higher version of me.  A version of me that I never thought could exist was now smiling back at me, perfectly within reach, lighting the way to her - through the portal.  The steps were lit up, and all that was left was for me to take them.

This portal collapsed time, and answers I’d been seeking for years came through clearly over a time of span of days.  

Mind.  Blown.  😲

Through this portal, I was shown that there was nothing to fear - not the money I’d spent, nor the pathway forward.  I met new people who aligned with my new path, and people already in my life unexpectedly began offering support for the blossoming trail before me.  

It was an incredible symphony of Spirit to behold!

And all of this happened because I said yes.

Because I trusted my gut.  Because I chose myself. Because I allowed myself to be supported.  Because I decided I didn’t have to do it alone, the hard way, or the long way. Because I didn’t give in to fear, doubt, or a lack and scarcity mindset.  Because I decided to stop holding myself back.

What about YOU?

This email might just be the passageway through your portal.

Are you ready to quantum leap into your new timeline? To see where Spirit will take you when you allow yourself to be supported? To see how much further you will go in a shorter timeframe (i.e., quantum leap) when you partner up with a potent mentor and healer?

Are you ready to finally say yes to yourself?

The Goddess: Activated portal is crafted specifically to propel you forward into your new timeline.


Let’s Talk Hypnosis…


Nala’s New Moon in Leo Message