The Goddess Catalyst
Balance your body
Realign your mind
Activate your attraction
Restore your hormonal balance and rewire your brain to revive your receiving nature!
You are here to attract
All women are attractive.
To be attractive literally means attracting or drawing in.
When you attract, you are pulling your needs & desires towards you. This is the act of receiving, and it is the core essence of feminine energy.
But here’s the part no one is telling you…
Your hormones affect your ability to attract.
If you’ve been struggling to get out of masculine [struggle] mode and into your receptive feminine flow, you’re going to want to keep reading!
I have some serious somatic spiritual secrets that you’re not going to learn anywhere else…
Or, you can skip ahead and schedule a complimentary call with me to discuss how i can help you get your body balanced, your mind aligned, and your hormones harmonized to launch you into your Goddess era!
Want more details about working with me? Click below to check out my current offering designed to fully support, mentor, nourish, guide, and fully activate you!
The reality is…
If you don’t feel attractive, it means that you have not activated your Goddess genes.
The woman who has activated her attractive energy is in her Goddess frequency because then she is able to bring all of her desires and needs towards her in an effortless and seemingly magical manner. This is a unique power inherent to all women. The power to attract and receive.
We’ve been conditioned only to know masculine power - go out, get it, make it happen, force it, push it, hustle harder. But eventually, this can become exhausting, because it’s simply not how women are designed to operate. This inevitably creates negative hormonal shifts within our bodies - the result of stress, environmental factors, and internal defense mechanisms as our body struggles to stay afloat while being pushed to its limit. The result? Hormonal imbalances that block your biological ability to receive.
But, how, you ask?
Women are attuned to an intricate, delicate, and complex hormonal balance that controls every aspect of our bodies (not just the reproductive system). For example, did you know that estrogen affects your brain and how you think? Or that progesterone relaxes the ligaments that hold your joints together? Or that estrogens can act as pheromones (substances released by your body into the environment to send signals to others)?
When your hormones are out of balance, your entire being becomes out of balance.
You can check out this link for possible signs and symptoms of hormonal imbalance. Psst..even if you’ve had bloodwork that came back “normal,” you can still have subclinical hormonal imbalances (i.e., deviations not readily detected by testing) that can majorly impact your body and your subtle energy fields.
By the way, what do you mean by “Goddess Genes”?
Epigenetic research has shown that your environment affects the way your genes express themselves.
The body is the primary environment of your genes.
Your genes direct your hormones.
Your hormones are directly linked to your feminine energy - your ability to attract and receive.
And your Goddess energy is the highest potential expression of your feminine energy.
Yes, girl, you are reading correctly.
I am saying that your Goddess energy is genetically coded in your DNA.
And as the science of epigenetics tells us, your genes can be switched on (activated), or switched off (put to sleep), based on the environment they’re in - starting with your body. A high-stress, fast-paced, ungrounded, and imbalanced environment has a drastic effect on your genes and which codes they allow to be expressed.
That’s cool, but how does that affect your ability to receive and be in your Goddess energy? Here we gooo!
Your hormones bind to chemical receptors in your body (see where I’m going here?).
Those receptors are designed to receive (I know, duh).
Your entire receptor system becomes compromised when the wrong signals are received from imbalanced hormones. A few causes of this imbalance might be stress hormones, xenoestrogens (toxic estrogens from plastics and even certain foods), or even abnormal amounts of your own sex hormones like estrogen or progesterone.
To put it simply…
if your hormonal chemical receptors aren’t able to properly receive, then neither can you.
That [Genetic] Goddess superpower that magically draws in all the juicy goodness you crave? It shuts down. This lands you in a tailspin of poor choices and cycles you feel like you can’t escape from. This can look like:
Choosing the wrong partners over and over
Getting stuck in jobs that just feel draining and soul crushing
Doubting yourself and feeling like you’re not “good enough”
Feeling alone, like you’re living your life in a Ghost Town without meaningful connections
Feeling like your life is a string of missed opportunities that you never seem able to catch
So, what’s The Solution?
Re-activating your receptors on every level: mind, body, and soul.
Physically, with a personalized holistic action plan to naturally restore your hormonal balance.
Spiritually, by learning about your Goddess Archetype (the unique Goddess energy that you carry) and how to deeply connect with her.
Mentally, by utilizing research proven techniques to rewire your brain to deeply root you in receiving as a way of being.
You need real, tangible action steps to show you how to activate that worshipped woman within…
And that’s exactly what I have created to help you!
Click the button below to see how you can work with me to heal your hormones, activate your attraction, and get your Goddess Glow Up!
“I am able to clearly see the repeating patterns in your life that have failed you, and how you can activate + integrate your divine codes to upgrade your entire existence - body, mind, and soul.”
Who I am and why I can help you
Where this story begins…
As a teen, I developed moderately severe acne after I began taking hormonal birth control. Unfortunately, I did not make the connection (Google wasn’t Googling quite the same back then) and I spent the next thirteen years battling acne (Accutane, antibiotics, “going natural” and all else) and taking hormonal contraceptives. Yikes! I finally stopped taking hormonal OCPs 12 years ago, but the impact they had on my body stretched far beyond the time that I took them.
Some of the effects still continue and require an attentive approach to keep my body’s delicate eco-system balanced. In fact, I have spent the last decade researching and bringing my body back into balance. I have unearthed deeply buried details about hormones (synthetic and natural) and how they affect us, that very few are aware of and are rarely discussed. And I want to share my wisdom with you!
More about me…
I’m a Registered Nurse with professional nursing specialty certifications in Holistic Nursing and Nurse Coaching. I am also a Certified Hypnotist (to help you re-wire your subconscious neural pathways that control both behavior and your body’s biological functions), a Reiki Master (in both the very special, rare, and highly feminine energy Tera Mai lineage and the traditional Usui lineage), an Energy Healer (Eden Energy Medicine + Healing Touch + traditional Espiritismo + intuitive practices received from Spirit), an Epigenetic Energy Reader (I’m particularly gifted in the art of reading the essence of one’s soul state, latent powers, and connecting with your Ancestral family lineage), a Timeline Transfer Trigger, a Quantum Medium (able to connect with past/present/future timelines of you, your lineage, and your guides), an Intuitive Tarot Reader, and a highly skilled Astrologer who also studies Human Design. I’ve also taken in-depth courses, and/or received certifications in Aromatherapy and Reflexology.
Where 3D and 5D interconnect…
I am an embodiment of Athena, or Neith, the Goddess of Wisdom…which means that my logical & analytical skills are incredibly sharp, and I put them to use for you. I have over 10 years of experience as a Utilization Management Nurse (medical financial resource management) in addition to years of experience in neurological and psychiatric nursing (I have always been in awe of the brain and mesmerized by the power of the mind!).
I am able to clearly see the repeating patterns in your experiences that have failed you, and how you can integrate your divine codes to upgrade your entire existence - body, mind, and soul. What good is knowing your superpowers, your energy archetypes, or even your hormonal imbalances if you don’t have a solid action plan to actually embody any of this information?
Basically, I have MANY skills finely honed over MANY years - all on deck to help you activate your Divine DNA! We’re not playing lightweight and neither is my activation arsenal!
It’s time for you to burn as brightly as the stars and Sun, dear Goddess - let’s light the spark!
What the Goddesses are saying

Have you been holding yourself back?
those fences caging us in? We build them ourselves. we tell ourselves, ‘I’m safe here.’
Eventually, we start to notice the vast horizon beyond the fence and yearn for the freedom to fly!
but There’s only one way to spread your wings. you have to learn how to
use your power.
Connect with me on Instagram here!
The Goddess Catalyst, LLC, supports an integrative approach, which means that both alternative and modern modalities may be combined as needed to formulate a complete, fully holistic plan of care for each individual’s highest well-being. The information provided is not intended to diagnose medical conditions or provide medical treatments, nor are the services provided intended to be a substitute for any prescribed or recommended medical treatment. Any individual receiving holistic coaching and/or therapies is responsible for notifying their primary care provider as appropriate.