Free your Feminine force

Within you lies a powerful feminine force fighting to be free!
But you need real, tangible action steps to show you how to activate that powerful woman within—
The woman who knows how to say NO to what is not for her - the jobs, the people, the behaviors that hold her back, so that she can use her energy wisely to become the best at what she does and who she is.
She is the woman who is not afraid to choose herself first.
She knows that by mastering the POWER OF NO, she frees up her energy to attract the YES job, the YES people, and the YES treatment she truly deserves!
I am here to show you how to turn the Power of No into the Pleasure of Yes!
find your fierce feminine power.
The Goddess is all around us - the trees, the land, your home - she is interwoven throughout this 3D Matrix. When you call your Goddess energy in, you can set the standard for the reality you desire.
The Power of NO creates your pathway to the pleasure of yes.
the Power of No allows you to use your energy wisely on only the best - the best relationships, the best career, the best you.
When you learn how your feminine power can support you, you stop being afraid to just say no. When you embrace the power of no, you can release the people, places, and programs that are keeping you from propelling into the highest possibilities of passion, peace, and prosperity.
it can be hard to say NO when you have been programmed to say “yes” your entire life!
Especially as women, we are taught that we must be nice, kind, subservient, and place the needs and feelings of others before our own. Essentially, we say yes to everyone else to the detriment of ourselves. It becomes an endless cycle of self-sacrifice.
Breaking free of those lifelong patterns is not easy! It can feel impossible, paralyzing, and even terrifying.
But with the right support, you can transform your life from the inside out!
I am here to give you the intuitive insight and tangible tools you need to start saying NO to the wrong things so that you can say YES to the right things!
Who I am and How I can help you
Whether it’s volunteering at a women’s health clinic in high school or being an avid female rap junkie, I have always been a huge proponent of uplifting women. Maybe it’s the lineage of fierce Puerto Rican women I come from, or maybe it’s the memory of witnessing my mother being abused (yes, you can be both fierce and a victim of domestic violence), but protecting and empowering women has always been an integral part of my identity.
I have skills as a Certified Hypnotist (to help you re-program negative patterns), a Reiki Master (in both the very special and highly feminine Tera Mai lineage and the traditional Usui lineage), an Energy Healer (Eden Energy Medicine + Healing Touch + traditional & intuitive practices), an Epigenetic Energy Reader (I’m particularly good at reading the essence of one’s soul state, soul powers, and connecting with Ancestral family lineage), an Astrologer, and a Tarot Reader. Oh yeah, and I’m a Registered Nurse with board certifications in Holistic Nursing and Nurse Coaching.
I am an embodiment of Athena, or Neith, the Goddess of Wisdom, Skills, & War…which means that my logical & analytical skills are incredibly sharp. I have over 10 years of experience as a Utilization Management Nurse (medical financial resource management) in addition to years of experience in neurological and psychiatric nursing (I have always been fascinated by the power of the mind!).
So basically, I have a TON of finely honed skills on deck to help you step fully into your soul level divinity! I mean, really, I’m here to help you connect fully with your Goddess energy - we’re not playing lightweight and neither is my arsenal to get you there!
Ready to activate your superpower?
Ready to activate your superpower?
Goddess: Activated
A 6 week high impact activation portal to catapult you into your SUPERPOWER so you can create the life you crave.

Have you been holding yourself back?
those fences caging us in? We build them ourselves. we tell ourselves, ‘I’m safe here.’
Eventually, we start to notice the vast horizon beyond the fence and yearn for the freedom to fly!
but There’s only one way to spread your wings. you have to learn how to use your power.
You feel
Burnt Out
You want to feel
Open to Receive