Frequently Asked Questions
Reiki is a Japanese word meaning universal or Divine energy (Rei = “Universal Life Force” and Ki = “Energy”). The word “Reiki” also refers to the practice of channeling this energy through the practitioner and into the recipient. At its core, Reiki also refers to the principles of inner healing and spiritual growth through personal empowerment. It is the energetic connection between each of us, everything around us, and the all-knowing Divine Source that exists in its own infinite wisdom. When we receive Reiki, we are receiving pure, unadulterated Divine Source energy.
Often times, a practitioner may be able to sense or feel where the energy is going. However, because this energy contains the innate wisdom of the Divine, Reiki does not need to be “told” where to go, directed, or micro-managed. Instead, it goes to the exact place in the body and/or energetic field where it is needed.
Reiki, as well as most other forms of energy healing, channel energy directly from the Divine (Source, the Universe, Great Spirit, God, the All, etc.). When done correctly, Reiki or other forms of energy healing should not take from the practitioner’s own energy to give to the recipient. The energy is not coming from the person conducting the healing session, rather, they are the vessel through which the energy flows to the recipient.
Is there a difference in the kind of energy or reiki a practitioner can channel?
With each attunement, or energetic initiation, the frequency that a practitioner can hold increases. Therefore, a Reiki Master will be able to conduct more powerful energy than a Level I practitioner. There are many other initiations that can also increase the capacity of a practitioner to hold and deliver greater energetic frequencies, such as the Munay-Ki rites, Seichem initiations, etc. A practitioner’s personal energetic frequency will also influence the energetic bandwidth that they are able to tap into and deliver to others.
Can Reiki heal you?
Reiki empowers you to heal yourself. It expands the capacity of your body, mind, and spirit so that your energy can re-pattern itself, create new pathways within you, and elevate you. It is important to remember that Reiki, just like any energy work, works with your own energy, not outside of it. As such, it can unlock and amplify your own healing ability.
Are there other forms of energy healing?
Yes! The presence of energy and its use to heal has been a part of virtually every culture around the world. On every continent and island, shamans and healers have called upon energy to help them. Reiki is but one form that has been popularized in the West in the last century. In the East, systems such as Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) focus on “Chi” (energy) within the body and Ayurvedic systems from India target “Prana” (breath or life force in Sanskrit). In South America, the Q’ero descendents of the Inca empire use “Hampe” (energy healing) to go into the infinite abyss of universal energy and perform healing miracles. In every indigenous culture, named and unnamed, there has been a deeply rooted tradition of awareness of both the energies within and all around us.
From the “laying of hands” in Christian churches to whispers of “nur” (light) in Muslim texts and teachings of the Kabbala and its roots in Judaism, even the traditional Abrahamic religions acknowledge the presence of energy and the ability to work with that energy for our physical and spiritual well-being.
Americans such as Barbara Brennan (Brennan Healing Science), Donna Eden (Eden Energy Medicine), and Janet Mentgen (Healing Touch) have also brought their own forms of energy healing to the West.
Almost everyone will feel intense relaxation, peace, and calm by the end of their session. You may possibly feel overwhelming emotions, see images that may come to you as if in a semi-conscious dream state, or receive messages or “Ah-ha!” moments during or after your session. You may also experience chills, goosebumps, sensations of coolness or warmth, “pulling” sensations, twitching or “jumping muscles.” Not everyone feels physical sensations, not everyone gets emotional, and not everyone receives messages or visions as everyone is different and even the same person can have differing needs at different times. And that’s okay, the energy is still working within and around you exactly as is best for your highest good. Trust the process!
The environment will strive to promote relaxation - lights are dimmed, temperature should be controlled so that it is not too hot or cold and/or accommodations such as blankets should be available. All work is done with the client fully clothed, so please, dress comfortably. It is important to be comfortable and completely relaxed, so typically you will be laying down. In our space, you will lay on a comfy massage table. The session will primarily consist of light touch, but occasionally the practitioner may apply mild pressure to help with certain forms of release. If you do not feel the practitioner touching you, then he or she is working in the energy field around you as your energy extends beyond your physical body. However, they are always with you throughout the session.
Immediately afterward, you will likely feel very calm, relaxed, peaceful, and more connected with the Divine. You may even feel a bit “head in the clouds” and if so, should take care to ground yourself. Not being grounded can be dangerous as it can impede your ability to integrate the energies you receive into your physical reality, or it could even open you up to the intrusion of foreign energies. Your practitioner will help ground you after your session and provide aftercare tips to keep you protected and safe.
It is also important to remember that energy work accelerates healing. Energy work does not just stop when you leave the session; it takes a few days for the new energies to fully integrate and anchor into you. During that time, as you are processing and clearing out to make space for your growth and higher frequencies, it is not uncommon for different emotions and realizations to come up for deeper understanding and release. Know that it is happening for your highest good. Reiki and all other forms of energy healing used at Elev8 Soul and Science are positive energy forces that only invite in that which is best for you.