What is Astrology?
Astrology is the study of the ancient art and science of cosmic alignments and their effect on the Earth plane and human existence. The planets and stars present potential energies; however, how we allow those forces to manifest in our lives is ultimately our choice. Learning about the specific energies that have intertwined to create your unique essence and experience can be an extremely powerful tool of self discovery, foresight, and personal growth.
“Astrologers study the cycles of the sky to orientate themselves to the experience of living on Earth. They then use the language developed by our forebears, who were much closer to the world’s natural rhythms. This approach is not an alternative to the modern scientific view of reality. Astrology is entirely compatible with Darwinism, Big Bang Theory, the dynamics of space travel and everything that drives modern societies. Far from challenging other interpretations, astrology extends and gives them purpose.”
— Roy Gillett, “The Secret Language of Astrology”
What is Reiki, Healing Touch, and Energy Medicine?
Maintaining an energetic balance is essential to your spiritual, mental, and physical well-being. An imbalanced energy field can be felt first in the spirit, then it is known in the mind, and will eventually show itself in the physical body. Energy therapy is a powerful means of spiritual healing and stress reduction that can, along with a healthy lifestyle, help to mitigate physical disease. How? Simply put, stress kills, and stress is just another way of saying negative energy.
There is overwhelming scientific evidence to support that stress is a leading cause of most chronic disease and can exacerbate debilitating conditions. Stress is an accumulation of energetic burdens and stagnant energies that weigh us down and have both short-term and long-term effects on our physical bodies. Energy therapy is a soothing and relaxing experience that allows those burdens to be flushed so that your energies can be re-patterned into correct alignment, thereby promoting optimal well-being.
Energy therapies such as Reiki, Healing Touch, and Energy Medicine utilize light touch as well as manipulation of your surrounding energy fields to correct imbalances, flush out impurities, and infuse your essence with fresh, clean, positively charged energy.
Reiki (Rei = “Universal Life Force” and Ki = “Energy”) is the Japanese art of channeling universal life force energy to heal and balance the body’s energy fields. The energy of the client is felt by the therapist and the therapist is intuitively guided to the specific area(s) that the client needs as the soul of the client communicates with the soul of the therapist. The therapist will then allow energy to flow through them and to the client using light touch.
In Healing Touch therapy, the hands are used to clear, balance and energize the client’s energy fields, thereby allowing the client to initiate or accelerate the self-healing process. Major and minor chakra centers are also balanced. In the Healing Touch method, energy is not “pushed” through the practitioner, but is instead allowed to gently flow to the client to re-align and activate the client’s own self-healing abilities.
Eden Energy Medicine utilizes techniques from time-honored traditions such as acupuncture, yoga, kinesiology, and qi gong. Flow, balance, and harmony can be non-invasively restored and maintained within an energy system by physically activating specific energy points (acupoints) on the skin, along specific energy pathways, through exercises or postures designed for specific energetic effects, by focused use of the mind to move specific energies, and/or by surrounding an area with healing energies. Energies are guided with light to medium physical touch and manipulation of the surrounding energy fields.
Additional Information:
Reiki Is Better Than Placebo and Has Broad Potential as a Complementary Health Therapy (NIH)
"In every culture and in every medical tradition before ours, healing was accomplished by moving energy."
— Albert Szent-Györgyi, MD Nobel Laureate in Medicine
“The profound implication of E = mc2 is this:
Energy is the substance of the universe!
Every atom and molecule is a “dense” energy that itself emits and absorbs light as well as other energies of different wavelengths.
Your body’s energies flow, spin, spiral, stream, weave, and crisscross in unique patterns that support life.
Energy needs space to move.
Toxins, stress, constrictions in the body, and negative thinking can all interfere with the optimum flow of energy.
The people, settings, and events in your life affect, and are affected by, your energies.
Your energies are always adapting to your circumstances.
Energy can form habits that persist even when the need for the habit has passed.
Energy can be in conflict with one another or out of harmony with the needs of your physical body.
Energies can be re-patterned”
“Energy can foster and restore the full, free, and dynamic flow of health throughout your body…”
— Donna Eden, Eden Energy Medicine